
Software engineer with a focus on game development and scalable backend development

Posts tagged with Programming:

My Take on CMake

As of recently I have been picking up C++ again, and having used Premake in the past, I thought it would be a great time to try out a new build management tool. I chose CMake as it seems the more mature of the build management tools as well as having a large adoption rate meaning a lot, if not most, 3rd party libraries have CMake configs readily available.

6 minutes estimated reading time.

'Method Overloading' in Go

GoLang is an interesting language in that it is an imperative language by all accounts, yet because of how it is build and handles composition, it essentially allows you to write Object-Oriented code with very little difference to how you would in say C++.

5 minutes estimated reading time.

Building a Standalone Scala Executable

A while back whilst researching languages for a new set of tools, it became apparent that ease of deployment was a definite benefit. On one hand there was Go which can be compiled to a single native binary, on the other there was Scala a language I personally preferred due to its compatibility with Java libraries and tools, as well as it forcing me to learn functional programming, but that has a lot of dependencies in the form of the JVM.

4 minutes estimated reading time.