Software engineer with a focus on game development and scalable backend development
Having content displayed as HTML can be very convenient for certain things, rapidly changing content, accessibility tools, and being able to style it more concisely, are some examples. However when creating a print out you are at the whim of the person printing it keeping the correct styling without any browser/printer adding any extra styling of its own, for this reason I wanted to host a PDF version, to allow people to easily print out or save an offline copy with the styling I originally envisioned.
Kotlin is a programming language developed by Jetbrains in 2011 as a JVM alternative to Java, it gained popularity amongst Android developers and in 2017 Google started officially supporting it as a first class language on Android. Until now I had only used it on Android but with the release of Spring 2.0, and the official support of Kotlin, I thought now would be a great time to try it out!
Recently I had to convert a manual jenkins build job into an automated job that will trigger each time a push gets made to the SCM server. For SCM I use git with the help of a git management tool called gitolite which allows you to setup and configure your git management from within a git repository, talk about meta.